中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅近日在同美国国务卿鲁比奥通电话时说了一句:“希望你好自为之”。如何才能让鲁比奥更好理解这句话?根据外交部官网发布的通讯稿译文,这句话被翻译为“I hope you will act accordingly”。 : {* i3 Y) ]; U3 p' S
此翻译引发网友热议,不少网友表示,“学到了”“拿本来学”。 除了这句话,近年来,外交部还贡献了许多中国俗语、成语、热词的“神翻译”,“圈粉”、“睁着眼睛说瞎话”、“三六九等”、“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”怎么翻?一起来看看吧。 置身事外、独善其身 今年1月23日,毛宁在回应美方宣布退出《巴黎协定》时表示:气候变化是全人类面临的共同挑战,没有一个国家能够置身事外,也没有一个国家能够独善其身。 Climate change is a common challenge facing all humanity. No country can opt out or stay unaffected. 捕风捉影 1月22日,毛宁在回答菲方声称逮捕了所谓“中国间谍”相关问题时说,中国政府一贯要求海外中国公民遵守当地法律法规。我们敦促菲方以事实为依据,停止捕风捉影、炒作所谓“中国间谍”,切实保障在菲中国公民的合法权益。 We hope the Philippines will stick to the fact, stop shadow-chasing, stop peddling the so-called “Chinese spy,” and earnestly protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals in the Philippines. 无稽之谈 1月15日,郭嘉昆回应美方将37家中国实体列入“维吾尔强迫劳动预防法实体清单”时说,所谓“强迫劳动”完全是无稽之谈。美方基于谎言炮制并实施涉疆恶法,将中国企业列入制裁清单,本质是要干涉中国内政、损害中国利益、遏制打压中国。 The so-called forced labor accusation is completely unfounded. The US chooses to enact and enforce the malicious legislation on Xinjiang and blacklist Chinese entities on the basis of false narratives. The move is designed to interfere in China’s internal affairs, harm China’s interests and hold back China’s development.
郭嘉昆资料图 三六九等、远近亲疏 1月14日,对于美国商务部发布的新人工智能相关出口管制措施,郭嘉昆表示,美方为维护霸权,在人工智能领域也开始搞“三六九等”、分“远近亲疏”,其根本目的是剥夺包括中国在内广大发展中国家科技进步、推动发展的权利。 To maintain its supremacy, the US chooses to split the world into tiers, granting access to countries that are “close” and barring access to “the rest.” The real purpose is to deprive developing countries, including China, of the right to make their own progress in science and development. 危言耸听 1月10日,针对中国人偏肺病毒(HMPV)感染病例增多,网上出现“中国出现不明病毒”等论调,郭嘉昆强调,人偏肺病毒(HMPV)是引发上呼吸道感染的常见病毒。把常见病毒渲染为“不明病毒”,这违背科学常识,是危言耸听。 Calling this common virus “unknown” is inconsistent with basic science and essentially fear-mongering. 圈粉 2024年12月18日,林剑在谈到《黑神话:悟空》时表示,很高兴看到《西游记》这部400多年前的中国神话小说在数字化技术“加持”下大放异彩,“圈粉”全球玩家。 We are truly glad that as one of China’s most celebrated mythology novels, Journey to the West—four centuries after it was written—is now digitally transformed into a stunning video game and taking the world by storm. 贼喊捉贼、倒打一耙 当地时间12月10日,加拿大外长乔利发表声明,以违反人权为由宣布对中国有关人员进行制裁。12月11日,毛宁指出,加方自身人权劣迹斑斑,问题成堆,至今原住民仍面临系统性种族歧视和不公正待遇,非但不思悔改,反而肆意抹黑污蔑其他国家,散布所谓中国人权问题的谎言,这是典型的贼喊捉贼,倒打一耙,令世人耻笑。 Canada faces its own list of human rights issues. Its own human rights record has not been spotless. Even today, Canada’s indigenous people still face systemic racial discrimination and unfair treatment. Instead of dealing with it, Canada chooses to smear and vilify other countries and spread lies about China’s alleged human rights issues. This is a typical move of “thief-crying-stop-thief” and can hardly convince the world.
毛宁资料图 水火不容 10月14日,毛宁就中方宣布在台湾周边海域进行军事演习一事强调,“台独”与台海和平水火不容。“台独”势力的挑衅必然会遭到反制。中方一直致力于维护地区和平稳定,地区国家对此有目共睹。如果关心台海和平稳定,首先要做的是坚决反对“台独”。 “Taiwan independence” is as incompatible with cross-Strait peace as fire with water, and provocations by “Taiwan independence” forces will be responded with countermeasures. 睁着眼睛说瞎话 9月23日,针对拜登在美日印澳“四边机制”峰会上关于中国的言论,林剑表示,美方口口声声说不针对中国,但峰会第一个话题就是中国,峰会处处拿中国说事,这是睁着眼睛说瞎话,连美国媒体都不相信。 Though the US claims that it does not target China, the first topic of the summit is about China and China was made an issue throughout the event. The US is lying through its teeth and even the US media does not believe it. 火中取栗 8月30日,关于美国在菲律宾部署中导一事,林剑表示,菲方应当清醒认识到美方的真实目的,回应地区国家共同关切,不要牺牲自身安全利益为美国火中取栗,按此前公开承诺尽快撤走中导系统。 The Philippines needs to have a clear understanding of the real intention of the US, respond to the common concerns of regional countries, avoid acting as the cat’s paw for the US at the expense of its own security interest, and quickly pull out the missile system as publicly pledged. 虚与委蛇、说一套做一套 8月2日,针对美国内政部发布的“联邦印第安人寄宿学校真相倡议”项目调查报告第二卷,林剑指出,美国到底是真心反省自身的历史罪责,还是迫于压力虚与委蛇、做做样子?恐怕还是在说一套做一套。 Is the report a genuine reflection on US historic crimes? Or is it just a perfunctory reaction to pressure? There seems to be a continued disconnect between what the US says and what it does.
林剑资料图 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 5月14日,针对美国财长耶伦谈及中国在电动汽车等新能源领域存在所谓“产能过剩”一事,汪文斌表示,按照美方的逻辑,美国进行补贴就是“至关重要的产业投资”,别国进行补贴就是“令人担忧的不公平竞争”;美国向世界出口有比较优势的产品就是“自由贸易”,别国向世界出口有比较优势的产品就是“产能过剩”。这用中国话来说就是“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”。用美国话来讲就是“我做了你不能学,我说了你必须做”。 We noted the media coverage. Based on US logic, US subsidies are “investment in critical industries,” whereas other countries’ subsidies are seen as “worrying unfair competition”; US exports with comparative advantage constitute “free trade,” whereas other countries’ exports with comparative advantage are signs of “overcapacity.” There’s a Chinese saying for that logic, “The magistrate allows himself to set fire but bans everyone else from lighting candles.” Or, to use a US expression, “Do as I say, not as I do.”
汪文斌资料图 悬崖勒马 3月25日,外交部副部长陈晓东同菲律宾副外长拉扎罗通电话,就菲律宾向仁爱礁非法“坐滩”军舰实施运补等问题提出严正交涉。 陈晓东强调,中方再次要求菲方切实重视中方关切,悬崖勒马,尽快回到同中方通过谈判协商妥处分歧的正轨,与中方一道维护好双边关系大局和南海的和平稳定。 China once again demands that the Philippine side take China's concerns seriously, stop its wrongdoing before it is too late, and return to the right track of properly handling disputes through negotiation and consultation with China as soon as possible, so as to maintain the larger interest of bilateral relations and the peace and stability of the South China Sea with China. 勿谓言之不预 2022年8月,佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区后,中国军方进行了军事演习、导弹实弹射击。有人称这是中国构成威胁的证据,8月4日,华春莹回应说,中方已经多次表明坚决反对佩洛西窜台立场,并且指出如若成行将严重违反一个中国原则,严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,中方必将采取坚决有力措施应对,一切后果由美方承担。勿谓言之不预。 China has made it clear many times that we are firmly opposed to Pelosi’s visit. And we made it clear that once the visit is made, it would be a serious violation of the one-China principle and grave infringement on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. China will definitely take strong and resolute measures in response and all consequences shall be borne by the US side. So do not say that we have not said in advance about the implications of this incident.
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