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发表于 2024-4-2 15:20:18 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 四川成都
财联社4月2日电,国家安全部在官微发文称,一段时间以来,美国出于地缘政治目的鼓动其主导的世界上最大的情报组织“五眼联盟”编凑散布各种“中国黑客威胁”的虚假信息。 国安部发文要求停止对中国的污蔑抹黑和网络攻击,图为网络攻击示意图7 o& }$ @3 Z, u
  近日,美英政府合谋诬陷所谓“同中国政府有关联”的黑客组织对其实施网络攻击,并发起无理单边制裁,这是典型的“贼喊捉贼”式污蔑抹黑,是将网络安全问题政治化的恶意操弄,严重侵害中方合法权益。中方对此强烈不满,坚决反对,敦促相关方面立即停止,并将采取必要措施坚决维护自身的合法权益。" I6 J: y) \/ R+ t) d3 T; S
2 U% }# b7 G, t. N6 f' {3 p# B7 c' y
  全文如下:: H3 O5 m. y) c

8 n( [9 A" \8 p7 l  E( l) A  立即停止对中国的污蔑抹黑和网络攻击!
+ G, ]# [9 d' X; R  r# Z
' \! J" u, a5 S" S  Stop Slandering and+ V+ T- z, k4 @* e( d* K# V) Y

5 V( w) |+ j9 z* A9 v( p  Cyberattacking China Now!5 j0 _# P4 h9 H3 q/ F! C" c
) |$ ?5 G/ O+ l* j( n4 q
  一段时间以来,美国出于地缘政治目的鼓动其主导的世界上最大的情报组织“五眼联盟”编凑散布各种“中国黑客威胁”的虚假信息。近日,美英政府合谋诬陷所谓“同中国政府有关联”的黑客组织对其实施网络攻击,并发起无理单边制裁,这是典型的“贼喊捉贼”式污蔑抹黑,是将网络安全问题政治化的恶意操弄,严重侵害中方合法权益。中方对此强烈不满,坚决反对,敦促相关方面立即停止,并将采取必要措施坚决维护自身的合法权益。# D0 f# X% ~# x0 ?$ |  m! k! j

0 j  n& t. d# v. d  For some time, the United States has been instigating the Five Eyes Alliance, the biggest intelligence organization in the world led by the US, to make up and spread disinformation of threats from “Chinese cyberintruders”. More recently, the US government has conspired with the UK to slander China by saying that they are under cyberattacks from groups of cyberintruders “affiliated to the Chinese government”and conducted unilateral and unreasonable sanctions against China on that excuse. They are typically acting like a thief who, driven by a guiltyconscience, poses as a judge to distort facts. What they are attempting at is the politicization of cybersecurity and infringement of the legal rights of China. We hereby express our strong protest and firm opposition to them. We urge relevant parties to stop immediately and will take necessary measures to defendour legitimate rights and interests.
5 T3 \  m/ \, B# H0 a: z- y0 y+ |; e7 @; |5 x/ v
  臭名昭著的黑客帝国( E- E3 y8 J( n# e6 n' W
3 h6 ~! l! f) p5 B8 x
  The Notorious Hacking Nation7 g4 X, f$ \* a4 l5 A! {
2 _: }/ Z: E: A7 J: {
  美国是最大的网络攻击来源地,是全球网络空间安全的最大威胁。长期以来,美国利用自身信息技术优势和“五眼联盟”等国家网络资源,对世界各国包括盟友进行大规模监听窃密,非法获取别国政要、企业和公民的海量数据,“黑客帝国”的真实面目早已人尽皆知。 “五眼联盟”是由美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰所组成的情报共享联盟,图为“五眼联盟”示意图1 w' g1 `4 m8 z4 Y) X
$ Q1 H' G' u+ [1 n
  The US has been the biggest source of cyberattacks andbiggest threat to the security of globalcyberspace. As it is well known to all, it has long been committinglarge-scale espionageactivitiesagainst nations worldwide and even againstits allies, and illegally acquiringmassive amounts of data of their politicians, enterprises and citizens, by the help of their advantages in information technology and theinternet resources of the Five Eyes Alliance countries.: J" ~2 Z4 G: P2 D

# ^+ ]! R: R6 V; R- ~4 T* Y  近年来,全球媒体曝光的由美英主导实施的网络攻击、秘密监听活动不计其数,其任务分工明确、技术生态完整、组织架构严密:# }6 B4 N5 q) w6 p$ v/ d, Z2 O& \

2 P6 O# P% A' |  Countless cases of cyberattacks and espionageactivities exposed by the global media in recent years have shown that those attacks, mainly conducted by the US and the UK,are characterized by a clear division of labor, advanced technology and rigorous organization.
, K8 D0 c- V& ^" i9 g0 @$ K# S9 A' \# q( P/ W- |/ z; J
  ——在分工上,既有针对网络数据收集的“棱镜计划”和“上游计划”,也有意在监控窃听的“天网计划”和“猎杀巨人行动”,还有以入侵基础设施为目标的“奥林匹克行动”,以及确保持续访问目标能力的“金色极光行动”和“拱形计划”等。9 W: x! @9 l# U# S
2 z+ {# p- ^! o6 L, x
  –Division of labor: PRISM and the Upstream Project were designed for collection of network data; Skynet and Shotgiant, for wiretapping; Operation Olympic Games, for the invasion of infrastructures; Auroragold and CamberDada, for continued access to targets./ J" u6 p5 i1 c+ ]. a

) f3 M& V' K0 j$ m0 O  \! H! o  ——在技术上,开发了作为进攻系统的“湍流”和“量子”,作为攻击平台的“酸狐狸”“蜂巢”和“电幕”,以及作为攻击武器的“验证器”和“联合耙”等木马病毒与“后门”软件。# ~0 x. O# V1 s0 @$ }" U$ [3 r

4 F6 }& K3 `4 L# C  –Technology: the US developed attack systems such as Turbulence, attack platforms such as FoxAcid, Hive and Bvp47, and attack weapons such as Validator and United Rake, among other Trojanviruses and backdoor malware.7 x; r+ J# @# \( @7 c

$ c2 h8 V* b& z/ o  v  ——在组织上,有以攻击大型公司、科研院校和基础设施为主的美中情局(CIA),也有负责对全球进行无差别攻击的美国安局特定入侵行动办公室(TAO),以及拥有大规模成建制网络任务部队的美国网络司令部。* U9 _# _) s4 P* b

6 p! }$ v2 Y& p2 F3 p4 {4 g+ o  –Organization: CIA primarily attacks major companies, research institutions and infrastructures; the NAS Office of Tailored Access Operation (TAO) launches indiscriminate global attacks; and Cyber Command is a large establishment of cyber mission forces.. c4 ?4 b( r* G& x3 g

' w% M/ u  s3 X7 B% M, h& L  与此同时,美英等国还在一刻不停全面提速网络军事化进程,频繁开展网络空间军事行动,不断推动“先发制人”“网络威慑”等战略走实,为全球带来严重网络安全威胁。
+ w5 U' z+ E+ C6 r; ~2 K" ~
/ O) b& o5 ?1 A8 V7 [9 Z  q! D  At the same time, the US and the UK are speeding up the militarization of network on all aspects by taking frequent cyber military operations and further substantiating their “preemptive”and “cyber deterrence”strategy, posing a severe threat to the global cybersecurity.' x) s# ?; J- {9 N% F, x

8 i5 X) |6 `1 }  贼喊捉贼的幕后黑手
/ c/ L- r3 A% @) j. d8 H. g- [8 B) b' C2 q
  The Thief ina Judge’s Robe' D) H3 ^/ w$ ]- `5 g% d( Z

6 S5 s" a0 u  @  Z  美英政府一方面对实施网络攻击习以为常,另一方面对国际社会指责装聋作哑,甚至出于地缘政治目的“贼喊捉贼”,编凑散布各种“中国黑客威胁”的虚假信息。事实上,中国才是全球网络攻击的最大受害者。
* n1 R% M" k- z. d6 S9 q4 @; ]# B1 v; z+ o- ~; X- r
  On the one hand, the American and British governments are carrying out cyberattacks almost as a matter of common practice, and on theother hand, they are playing deaf and dumb to thecondemnation of the globalcommunity. On occasions, driven by geopoliticalpurpose, they even played the trick of a thief dressed in a judge’s robe, spreading disinformation of “threat of cyberintruders from China”, who, in fact, is the biggest victimof the global cyberattacks.
& k' f  ?, g( F# |5 v
8 _$ o* W( J$ f! T- ]) n  u  根据国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心(CNCERT)近年来发布的报告,在中国遭受境外攻击来源地排名中,美国一直“独占鳌头”。部分公开披露的案例显示: 在中国遭受境外攻击来源地排名中,美国一直“独占鳌头”,图为中美国旗资料图
: P) [6 l% t: v7 |. M  x! k3 A
: _& Y6 c+ u/ j$ A* ~" G  According to recent reports from the NationalComputer Network Emergency Response TechnicalTeam/Coordination Center of China (also known as CNCERT/CC), among all the attacks China has received from overseas, those originating from the US top the list. Here are some cases that have gone public:
0 u: f2 C, S- f$ A) P, E& V4 j  a! v) ^
( k" U/ [4 E$ ?: @; U# G/ O8 _: o" y4 e* u' o/ s7 t
  –In February, 2022, Equation, a hacker group tied to US National Security Agency (NSA), had, for over a decade, been launching cyberattacks against45 countries and regions around the world, including China, with “top backdoor malwares”./ {9 f+ c* @" J
1 p- s! ]/ y' v- b* r1 \$ f
% d  `, o* G% N- ~
( o# M* C% }" m3 B3 Y6 F! R4 q  –In April, 2022, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, was cyberattacked from overseas. TAO had deployed over 40 cyber arsenals, carried out over 10, 000 long and persistent malicious attacks againsttargets in the Chineseterritory and stolen massive amounts of high value data.* k3 l4 n" k( U  p6 v( _

1 F8 G7 E+ t" K+ @5 _9 E2 d  ——2023年7月,武汉市地震监测中心遭受网络攻击,攻击地址来源于美国,且使用的“后门”恶意软件符合美国情报机构特征。' Y6 n( F8 J8 O, D( v$ f
- s2 S( z# A+ e
  –In July, 2023, Wuhan Earthquake Monitoring Center was under cyberattacks from the US. The detected backdoor malwares matched the characteristics of those from American intelligence agencies.
: |" K" F& }2 o6 F  A
* C4 ?- A  x  n1 Z: ?  仅今年一季度,自美国本土及其海外军事基地,对包括中国在内的多个国家实施网络攻击活动的频度就高达2000余次,涉及我国党政机关、关键信息基础设施,以及人工智能、芯片研产、清洁能源、先进制造、软件研发等领域的一大批重点单位。美英等国为服务其国家发展战略,巩固网络霸权地位,针对中国大肆实施网攻窃密和数据窃取活动,意在打压遏制中国发展,严重危害我国主权、安全和发展利益。$ o) q' j3 O5 j6 a- {1 C
- V1 k2 \! k: ~
  In the first quarter of this year, more than 2,000 cyberattacks were launched from the continental US and its military bases overseas againstmany countries, especially China, focusing on a large number of Communist Party andgovernment organs, critical informationinfrastructures, as well as important institutions of artificial intelligence, chip R&D, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and software development. In attemptsto serve their national strategy of development, consolidate theirhegemony in cyberspace, and contain China’s development, theUS and British governments have been blatantly conducting cyberattacks on China and stealing our data. Those moves gravely jeopardize China's sovereignty, security and development interests.
, X3 v0 n4 n. {6 E, T
  \' o. d3 \8 z" t( V/ ~( v+ n' j  依法治网的中国态度2 {7 f) s! J9 o' k

, O( h. V4 _% `* ~( O  China’s Law-based
$ T. K: k* @& s. a( g2 Y  h
) ^% I6 h; X2 R  Cyberspace Governance
3 d4 i* d' z% e+ `. o1 n; R" f8 L
" x. g8 N& A- [3 b' _" i  网络安全是各国面临的共同挑战,维护网络安全是国际社会的共同责任。中国坚持和平利用网络空间,坚决反对将网络安全问题政治化,坚决反对并打击各种形式的网络攻击,依法加强网络空间治理,积极应对网络安全威胁。$ F! u  ]( b9 d7 y/ \' C3 P( l

6 t5 Y9 O0 u) Y- a+ c" W7 _9 ]  Cybersecurity has been a common challenge for all nations and maintaining it has been a shared responsibility of the entire international community. Abiding by the principleof peaceful use of cyberspace, China stands firmly against the politicizationof cybersecurity and all manners of cyberattacks and will take proactive measures to deal with cybersecurity threats.& L6 ^  K+ _. X

- W7 l+ G( G1 }/ v- w  n1 [  中国一直以实际行动加大依法管理网络力度,推动网络数字领域国家安全法律制度体系建设,统筹国内法治和涉外法治,不断筑牢国家网络安全屏障:
8 j, U' ^8 r5 T: D+ R, S- W2 ^; p& `% M1 d
  China has long been strengthening its law-based governance of cyberspace, promoting theestablishment of the legal system of national security in the network and digital domain, taking a coordinated approach to the rule of law at home and in matters involving foreign parties, in order to reinforce national cybersecurity barrier.( t9 K: E7 Y; r4 Z; L
5 t" x0 U% |3 k# M2 s! D# Q* `% e
1 V- ^/ T& O) E5 _+ {& Q) I' K) G0 X
  –In June, 2017, Cyber security Law of People’s Republic of Chinawas implemented in an effort to regulate its cyberspace governance and safeguard its cyberspace sovereignty and national security.% U& R; ^1 w( v4 |) d" J! y" h
' G& w7 W$ C) T6 K" c4 K
  ——2020年9月,发起《全球数据安全倡议》,积极参与全球互联网治理进程,为网络空间国际治理贡献中国方案。6 O% L2 X3 q5 H3 o

( E8 \0 ]; C5 H6 F  –In September, 2020, China put forward a Global Initiative on Data Securityin a bid to take active part in global internet governance and contribute Chinese solutions to the internationalcyberspace governance.3 q* B- N  q5 Z. B% l

4 y. u* N9 i- U1 j1 `, `  ——2021年9月,《中华人民共和国数据安全法》实施,强化数据出境安全监管,加强国家核心数据安全防护。. }: N& h$ K8 b9 S; O
* z5 D4 |0 l8 X  J
  –In September, 2021, Data Security Law of People’s Republic of Chinawas implemented to strengthen outbound data transfer security supervision and core data security protection.5 {) }& H$ k% C' a6 C( w8 N
/ J0 @1 a( H5 h* v& z
  ——2023年7月,《中华人民共和国反间谍法》修订实施,明确网络间谍行为定义,依法严厉打击各类网络间谍活动。* U/ \( x, k. p
( q$ ?0 g' @' A3 }( k$ Z3 ?/ x
  –In July, 2023, therevised Counterespionage Law of the People’s Republic of Chinawas implemented. The law gave a clear definition of cyberspace espionage and showed our determination to fight against all types of related espionage activities.9 y9 W9 q, L: s3 Z+ |

" T# D; b. M# d& L* V0 q5 \  中国致力于在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上,与国际社会就维护网络空间和平与安全开展建设性合作,坚持尊重网络主权、不搞网络霸权,致力于共同构建和平、安全、合作、有序的网络空间命运共同体。/ M1 W( }+ `! h' Q- N, E# ^* O

  a2 H+ t/ S4 f# K# w; q  China is committed to the constructive cooperation with the international communityin its efforts to protect the peace in cyberspace on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit, to its respect for sovereignty and fight against hegemony in cyberspace, and to the construction of a shared future of peace, security, cooperation and order in cyberspace.
, Q7 B8 T. A, M5 c7 W  w, Q. W0 U: Q2 b' X
$ B. s& I' ^% K9 J! [) r8 m; @0 U+ a, V/ e
  Faced with the severe and complicated situation in cybersecurity, the Ministry of State Security is determined to uphold the leadershipof the Communist Party of China,follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutelypursue aholistic approach to national security, and to fulfill its responsibility in protecting national cybersecurity. In an effort to meet risks and challenges in cybersecurity, the MSS will join hands with other ministries and departments to take legal actions to fight against cyberattacks from overseas, data theft and crimes against critical information infrastructures and security of information system, and enhance its cybersecurity defenses so as to better protectthe national sovereignty, security and interests of China.
6 |/ B! W+ |+ u, R4 `
2 a+ \* `7 B. |
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