![]() 支付宝转账将收费 " S L- o! p* F
江湖广为流传着这么一句话:人永远是这样,当你有一百块的时候,想有一千块,当你有一千块的时候,想有一万块,当你有一万块的时候,想有十万块,当你有十万块的时候,千万不要把它存在支付宝里,否则取出来的时候就没有十万块了…。 % S. J$ U& @) { `
Shanghai Daily是这么报道的: ![]() 支付宝收费 " N! j. g; I2 {. u" P" }- d
ALIPAY will start to charge users a fee when they make transfers from their account balance to their debit cards, following a similar move by rival Tencent's WeChat Pay earlier this year. 自从竞争对手微信支付今年早些时候开始对用户实行转账到借记卡收费的举措后,支付宝也将对于从支付宝用户实行类似的收费举措。 Alibaba's popular online payment affiliate said the fee will start from October 12. Each Alipay user will have a one-time free allowance of 20,000 yuan (US$2,985) before the 0.1 percent fee is levied on the total transfer amount. The minimum charge is 0.1 yuan each time. 阿里巴巴在线支付分公司(蚂蚁金服)声明新规将于10月12日起实行。每个支付宝用户将会获得一次转账20000元的免费额度,之后便需要收取总额度0.1%的手续费,手续费是最低0.1元起。 Alipay said in an e-mail statement yesterday that the move to charge the fee is to offset the rising business operation costs. But it said most users are unlikely to have to pay the fee because of the high allowance. 阿里巴巴在昨天的一份邮件声明里表示,这项收费举措是为了填补持续上升的业务支出。并且基于20000元的高额度,大部分用户可能不必支付手续费。 The new rule only affects individual users and does not apply to Taobao vendors or offline merchants that use Alipay to collect payment from buyers. 这项新举措仅对个人用户有影响,对其他使用支付宝收费的淘宝店家或者线下商户并无影响。 Alipay also said that users can continue to transfer funds free of charge in their Alipay account to Yu'E Bao, the popular cash management product by Tianhong Fund. 支付宝表示,用户还是可以继续使用余额宝(天弘基金旗下的理财产品)来进行免费转账的。 Users can also earn Alipay reward points by making online or offline payments and use the points to offset the transfer fee, with each point equivalent to one yuan of transfer amount not subject to the transfer fee. 支付宝用户还可以通过线上/线下支付赚取的积分抵消转账费用。每1个积分等同于1元的转账额度(提升后的额度不在受手续费的影响)。 讲解:今天说的大多都是和余额宝相关的词汇哟。 Balance 余额 Check your bank balance 核对银行卡余额 debit card 借记卡/储蓄卡 read your debit card statements 查阅你的借记卡结算单 allowance 限额/津贴 a baggage allowance of 20 kilos 行李限重20公斤 cash management product 理财产品 following在这里指的是 在某事之后,由于,可以替换after使用。 He took charge of the family business following/after his father's death. is levied on 征税 Customs duty will not be levied on personal effects. 随身物品不征关税。 Duty-free store免税商店 Offset抵消/补偿 Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials. 因为补偿原料成本的增加,我们只能提高价格 & ~6 ?4 ~2 m% _/ h7 F2 a4 N0 a
这里额外再补充下支付宝页面里的口语知识点: ![]() 支付宝页面
* x U( M. W9 A. |# ~( A- x) o Top up这里是充值的意思。 I need to top up my mobile phone. 我要给我手机充值。 Utilities这里是水电煤气费用(物业账单Utilities bill) You know that you'll have to pay utilities on top of the rent, right? 你知道你除了付房租还得另外付水电费吧? On top of that 另外/最重要的是 On top of that, I've got one extra bit of good news I think you might want to hear. ) x. X4 {2 ]& Y( v7 f+ H: e4 N
除此之外,我还有一个你想要听到的好消息。 嗯 谁刚才说了好消息??? 如何才能绕开收费的大坑呢。看这里啊同学们(敲黑板) 上海日报里其实也略有提及: #1 用余额购买理财产品 把钱转到余额宝等理财产品,再转到银行卡,就不受新规影响 #2 蚂蚁积分抵用免费额度 上文有提及, 20000元的基础免费提现额度用完后,还可以使用蚂蚁积分兑换免费额度,蚂蚁积分兑换1块钱的免费提现额度,上不封顶。 #3 把支付宝余额里的钱都花光(蜜汁微笑) 总结:其实只要你钱放在余额宝里就没transfer fee啥事了…转出也就等2小时… 说到支付宝当然就要说说支付宝的老对手(opponent/rival) 微信支付了。《纽约时报》对微信也有个相关视频,名曰How China Is Changing Your Internet. 里面详尽的介绍了中国人生活中处处使用微信的活生生的场景。 最后,根据不可靠消息:支付宝推出新功能,可以摇出附近“有钱的人”,唉,真的讨厌这个发明,天天被你们摇出来,我都懒得搭理! (来源:沪江英语) 7 W8 s; d4 Y9 T, g. C0 A+ I% @